Christmas Behind Bars
On Sunday, October 27, just before sunrise, more than 250 people made their way to Johnson Gym on the campus of Andrews University for an 8:00 AM start to begin the Christmas Behind Bars project to prepare care packages for those who are in prison. A fresh crew of about 200 more joined the project at 10:00 AM In just 3 hours and 11 minutes the group of approximately 450 men and women, boys and girls, prepared 6,912 bags. During the Christmas season, every inmate in the Nebraska State Penitentiary system will receive one of these care packages.
The care packages included: Christian literature, a seasoning mix, a handmade card, Bible Study Guides from 3ABN, pretzel sticks, a popping stocking, Ramen Noodles, Graham Crackers, Sweet Tarts, marshmallows, sweet Haven plant-based candy, Planters peanuts, crackers, thirst quencher power packets, cheddar popcorn, a calendar, and of course—a candy cane.
The project was sponsored by Andrews University, the North American Division, Pioneer Memorial Church, Berrien Springs Village Adventist Church, and the Center for Community Engagement. Between these groups, $8,000 was raised to bring this ministry to our campus. In addition—the Student Missions Program provided snacks and water for the volunteers.
Project coordinators Teela Ruehle and Esther Knott were thrilled with the number of people who came to help. All four long lines of tables were full of people filling bags like in an assembly line. It was a high-energy, family-friendly event. People wore name tags which helped to build a sense of community. Participants jumped right in to do whatever was needed, including taking care of the mountains of cardboard that had held the products. Several strong men got their Sunday morning workout by efficiently loading the Christmas Behind Bars trailer.
The Friday before the event several groups were involved in the setting up: the Andrews University Custodial Department, students from Ruth Murdoch Elementary School and Andrews Academy, and campus and community friends.
Lemuel Vega, the Director of Christmas Behind Bars, was especially pleased with the event. He’s grateful for the leadership of Pastor Shane Anderson, Pastor Ron Kelly, Teela Ruhle, and Esther Knott who used their influence to call the church and the campus to respond to Jesus’ call to visit those who are in prison.
A video report on this project will air as part of 3ABN Today Live on Thursday October 31 starting at 9pm EDT.