Church Offices Closed  —  

The church offices will be closed Monday September 2 for the Labor Day holiday.


"And the crowd listened to her/him with great interest."

Here’s the headline of the week: “And the crowd listened to her/him with great interest.” Because that line from the gospel story (see Mark 12:37 NLT) is the perfect descriptor of this campus’ response to our young preachers all week long. The Andrews student week of prayer this week has driven home for me the power of peer to peer communication and testimony. Not only was I proud of the way Chris, Lawren, Edson, Jillian, Pohlmarc and Nestor (today) preached, but I was impressed with the effective way each of these young adults connected with a very large audience of peers. The usual rustling and shifting and low decibel “background noise” of chapels were missing. Instead, as these young preachers opened up their Bibles and their hearts all week long, it was clear to me that the Spirit of Christ was seizing the moment and effectively connecting with the listeners. Do you suppose that was why Jesus caught the healed demoniac by surprise, by denying his request to travel with the Master. “Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you” (Mark 5:19). Because nobody will listen to you quite like your friends, your peers, those who consider you one of them. It’s a law of communication. A law of the Kingdom, too. Which means that just like our young preachers this week, you’ve been called to tell the story of Jesus in your own unique language and personal style. There isn’t a right way to tell your story—here’s simply your way. And every time you break out of your comfort zone and color outside the box for Christ, the people who know you are the most open to hear what you have to say. So do you know what you have to say?