Church Offices Closed  —  

The church offices will be closed Monday September 2 for the Labor Day holiday.


I've been trying to get stronger lately.

I’ve been trying to get stronger lately. Every morning, at an ungodly hour, (at least my wife thinks so) I get out of bed and head to the Meier Hall Health Club. This name “Health Club” is really a euphemism for a small, poorly ventilated space, in the basement of the Men’s Dormitory where guys go to torture themselves because we all know that while boy children are still in the womb our brains are washed clean with testosterone. Moving heavy pieces of iron, expending incredible amounts of energy, and accomplishing no practical work would seem crazy, but we can’t help it, we’re men. So I’ve been trying to get stronger. What about you? I think we would all rather have strength than weakness. The truth is that we are all trying to build ourselves up, strengthen our defenses and wall off our vulnerabilities. We all have our health clubs, testosterone or not, only some of us use means far more artificial then pumping iron. No one wants to be weak. Everyone despises weakness; everyone, it seems, except God. God goes out of His way to choose and use the most unlikely men and women. Men and women like you and me. Last week, on July 18, Nelson Mandela turned 90 years old. This man of small physical stature, after 27 years of imprisonment for his activism against apartheid in South Africa, emerges from his prison cell, a giant. Mandela, the first Black president of South Africa, is known more for how he came to power than for the office he held. His journey to power was not through violence and bloodshed but through forgiveness and redemption. That was how Mandela changed a nation. Jesus changed an entire world the same way. He continues to do so by using weak people - people like you and me. July 18 was a special day not only because I admire Nelson Mandela, but also because it was the birthday of another man I admire - my father-in-law. He turned 72, last week. In his lifetime he’s accomplished many great things, most importantly to me however, he fathered a beautiful daughter - Arlene Alisia Edwards. She’s got a new name these days, but she’s just as beautiful as ever. You met her a few weeks ago and we were both overwhelmed by your outpouring of love and well wishes. Thank you. Paul says, “when I am weak, than I am strong.” 2 Cor 12:10 This Sabbath embrace your weakness. God embraces you. This blog post has been guest written by Pastor Oliver Archer.