
Dwight K. Nelson

Since 1983, Dwight Nelson has served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University. He preaches on the “New Perceptions” telecast, teaches at the theological seminary and has written some books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.


Part 4 of this 7-part series.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
As We Begin
A Mighty Fortress • Max Reger
Great is the Lord • You are Holy • Before the Throne of God Above • Great is Thy Faithfulness
Nancy Kardos-Moldovan
Baby Dedication
Laura Violet presented by Jonathan & Hilary LaPointe with Dwight K. Nelson
GROW Groups
Jon Campbell
Children's Story
An Almighty Fortress • David Shaffer
Worship in Music
Amazing Grace • Frank Ticheli
“Charmed into Righteousness: The Fairest Judge” • Dwight K. Nelson
Connect Card, Tithes & Offerings
Give Me Jesus • 305
As We Depart
The Light Eternal • James Swearingen

More In This Series

Part 7 of this 7-part series.
Part 6 of this 7-part series.
Part 5 of this 7-part series.
Part 3 of this 7-part series.
Part 2 of this 7-part series.
Part 1 of this 7-part series.

“Charmed into Righteousness: The Fairest Judge”



  • The Judge
    • Steps to Christ: “Satan [has led humanity] to conceive of God as a being whose chief attribute is stern justice—one who is a severe , a harsh, exacting creditor. He pictured the Creator as a being who is watching with jealous eye to discern the errors and mistakes of men, that He may visit judgments upon them. It was to this dark shadow, by revealing to the world the infinite love of God, that Jesus came to live among men. The Son of God came from heaven to make manifest the Father.” (10-11)
    • John 1:14, 18; 3:16; 14:5-10
      • Kevin J. Vanhoozer: “The son’s humanity is the ultimate form of God’s self-presentation, Jesus is God’s definitive word and in his person and history corresponds to what it is that makes God .” (In John Peckham, The Love of God: A Canonical Model 61)
      • John Peckham: “Depictions of divine compassion in the Old Testament and New Testament are strikingly similar to that manifested by Christ in the Gospels. Thus Leon Morris contends that ‘Christ’s action is action. Christ’s love is love.’” (The Love of God 64)
  • The Judged
    • The protagonist: “Mary had been looked upon as a great sinner, but Christ knew the circumstances that had shaped her life. He might have extinguished every spark of hope in her soul, but He did not. It was He who had lifted her from despair and ruin. Seven she had heard His rebuke of the demons that controlled her heart and mind. She had heard His strong cries to the Father in her behalf. She knew how offensive is sin to His unsullied purity, and in His strength she had overcome.” (Desire of Ages 568)
      • “When to human eyes her case appeared , Christ saw in Mary capabilities for good. He saw the better traits of her character. The plan of redemption has invested humanity with great possibilities, and in Mary these possibilities were to be realized. Through His grace she became a partaker of the divine nature. The one who had fallen, and whose mind had been a habitation of demons, was brought very near to the Saviour in fellowship and ministry.” (Ibid)
    • The antagonist: “When Judas joined the disciples, he was not insensible to the beauty of the character of Christ. He felt the influence of that divine power which was drawing souls to the Saviour. . . . In connecting this man with Himself, He placed him where he might, day by

day, be brought in contact with the outflowing of His own unselfish love. If he would open his to Christ, divine grace would banish the demon of selfishness, and even Judas might become a subject of the kingdom of God.” (Desire of Ages  294)

  • “When he came into association with Jesus, he had some traits of character that might have been made a blessing to the church. If he had been willing to wear the yoke of Christ, he might have been among the chief of the apostles; but he hardened his heart when his defects were pointed out, and in pride and rebellion chose his own selfish ambitions, and thus unfitted himself for the work that God would have given him to do.” (Ibid)
  • John 12:1-8
    • “[Jesus’] heart was crying, How can I give thee up? The constraining power of that love was felt by Judas. When the Saviour’s hands were bathing those soiled feet, and wiping them with the towel, the heart of Judas thrilled through and through with the impulse then and there to confess his sin. But he would not humble himself. He hardened his heart against repentance; and the old impulses, for the moment put aside, again controlled him.” (Desire of Ages 645)
    • “The Saviour did not reproach His betrayer. He knew that Judas did not repent; his confession was forced from his guilty soul by an awful sense of condemnation and a looking for of judgment, but he felt no deep, heartbreaking grief that he had betrayed the spotless Son of God, and denied the Holy One of Israel. Yet Jesus spoke no word of condemnation. He looked pityingly upon Judas, and said, For this hour came I into the world.” (Desire of Ages 722)
  • The Judgment
    • John 5:22—“‘The Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the .”
    • 2 Corinthians 5:10—“For we must all appear before the judgement seat of , so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.”
    • 1 John 2:1-2
      • He who is the Savior of the world and the Judge of the world is the Advocate of the world, the of the human race.
      • Steps to Christ: “We shall have to bow down and weep at the feet of Jesus because of our shortcomings and mistakes, but we are not to be discouraged. Even if we are overcome by the enemy, we are not cast off, not forsaken and rejected of God. No; Christ is at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.” (64)


“The Judge is on your side!”


(Flyer, TV, Google search, name of person who invited you, etc.)
Pioneer Memorial Church Announces New Associate Pastor

Pioneer Memorial Church is delighted to announce the selection of Jacob Gibbs as a new Associate Pastor. Pastor Jacob was introduced to Pioneer on July 27, 2024, although his official start date was July 18, 2024. Pastor Jacob will serve as Associate Pastor at Pioneer Memorial Church and an Associate Chaplain with the Center for Faith Engagement at Andrews University.

Pastor Jacob Gibbs felt a call to ministry when he accepted Jesus as his Savior in 2002. Over the next nine years, he pursued his purpose and training at Mission College of Evangelism and Andrews University—gaining experience as a Bible Worker and Literature Evangelist. Pastor Jacob graduated from Andrews University in 2011 with a Bachelor's in Art and Theology. He later returned for his Master's Degree in Pastoral Ministry.

During his undergraduate years, he met his wife, Emily Knott, and they were married in 2012. Pastor Jacob has served in the Michigan Conference for 13 years, starting with a three-church district in the central part of Michigan's Upper Peninsula and most recently as the Senior Pastor of the Cedar Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church at Great Lakes Adventist Academy. Pastor Jacob's passions in ministry include hobby-based outreach, small groups, applied arts, and personal Bible studies. Pastor Jacob and Emily have two daughters, Eva and Avianne. They look forward to starting this new chapter of their lives by serving the communities of Andrews University and the Pioneer Memorial Church.

Offering for July 27, 2024

Michigan Advance Partners

One of the greatest and most significant challenges hindering the advancement of Adventist Education's mission is financial.

A growing percentage of our students require financial support, placing increasing financial pressure on our schools and churches. The Christian Education Scholarship Endowment Fund plays a crucial role in mitigating this challenge, but its current size is insufficient to address the collective problem. This endowment ensures that the funds placed within it remain intact in perpetuity.

In other words, the principle amount is never touched, but the annual earnings are used to provide scholarships for elementary, secondary, and college students. We are grateful that we can currently distribute approximately $100,000 per year to students, making a meaningful impact in the lives of students across this Conference.

If you are inclined and impressed to contribute to this fund, you can specify Michigan Advance Partners on your tithe envelope, donate online or give a loose offering today.

By Heather Thompson Day

North American Division Stewardship Ministries

AU Sabbath Vespers - Class of 2024

You are invited to join the Andrews University Summer 2024 graduates and their families as we close the Sabbath with music and appreciation at the Howard Performing Arts Center on August 3 at 8 PM.

Requesting Donations of Used Pathfinder Uniforms for Cuba

Cuba seeks help for their Pathfinder Clubs and is asking donations of used formal Pathfinder uniforms by 7/27. Donations can be made to PMC Pathfinder Director, Errol Prentice (email: errol.prentice@pmchurch.org; 269-277-4256). He will take them to Gillette and put them into the shipping container heading to Cuba.

Memorial Service for Linda Thompson

Please join us in celebrating the life of Linda Sherwin Thompson on Sunday, August 4, at 4 PM in the Pioneer Memorial Church sanctuary. Live-streaming will be available for those unable to attend in person.

Family Life Encounter: Summer Challenge

Join us for the Family Life Encounter: Summer Challenge, a Choose Your Own Adventure style activity and reading challenge designed to help strengthen our relationships with each other and God. Text "Challenge" to 269-281-2345 to download the challenge handout.

Download Handout for Challenge

Turn in your challenge handout at the Pioneer reception desk when it is completed to be entered into prize drawings! For more information, contact simplestirrings@yahoo.com.

Annual Backpacks for Berrien "Stuff-the-Bus"

It is time again for our annual Backpacks for Berrien "Stuff-the-bus." Help ensure students come to school this fall with the tools needed to learn. Get the supplies needed for success and deliver them to the bus, July 26 at Apple Valley parking lot from 4:00 - 7:00 pm. For a list of items needed check out our website: backpacks4berrien.org.

Pioneer Memorial Church Announces New Pastor for Administration

Pioneer Memorial Church is delighted to announce the selection of K. Hans Miranda Chavez as the new Pastor for Administration starting July 1, 2024.

Pastor Hans Miranda Chávez was born in Chiclayo, Peru, and moved to the U.S. at the age of six, where he grew up in Massachusetts. After serving in the U.S. Marine Corps from 2011 to 2015, he earned a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the University of Massachusetts Lowell in 2019. In 2023, Hans married Cassidy, who played an influential role in guiding him towards pastoral ministries. Now, Hans is pursuing a Master of Divinity degree, and his wife, Cassidy Miranda Chávez, is the Marketing and Communications Director at the Center for Youth Evangelism and volunteers with the Pioneer Media Ministry.

Hans and Cassidy are eager to serve the Pioneer Memorial Church community and be part of the church family in this new role. Let's extend our warmest welcome and support them in this new step!

Changes to ADRA Giving Options

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) and the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventist have decided to simplify the number of donation options. Historically, a significant number of options have been available when giving to ADRA allowing donors to specify a specific project or program. Going forward all currently existing ADRA donations will be consolidated into 5 major categories.

ADRA Health Programs
Poor health is often at the heart of poverty and suffering. Giving to the ADRA Health fund helps build healthier lives for those we serve by improving access to safe water sources, providing hygiene and sanitation solutions, helping families access nourishing food, supporting pregnant women and mothers, and delivering reliable health support.

ADRA Education Programs
Education for all helps safeguard against chronic poverty, violence, abuse, exploitation, and even reduces vulnerability to natural disasters. The ADRA Education fund will help remove obstacles to learning by providing access to primary, secondary, and tertiary education, delivering school supplies, uniforms, and other resources, teaching adult literacy classes, and providing technical and vocational education.

ADRA Livelihood Programs
Livelihood training is a key contributor to breaking the cycle of poverty. The ADRA Livelihoods fund will help end generational poverty by empowering savings and loan groups in vulnerable communities, preparing communities for climate resiliency, training farmers to improve their methods, and empowering women to become business leaders in their communities.
ADRA Emergency Response and Preparedness
When disaster strikes, those whose lives are the most at risk are often furthest from help. Every year, ADRA responds to more than 100 emergencies around the world: earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, droughts, civil strife, and more. Contributions to the ADRA Emergency Response and Preparedness fund will help support a global network of offices and partners to quickly mobilize resources and bring relief to the hardest-hit areas.

ADRA General Fund
ADRA, the global humanitarian arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church delivers relief and development assistance to individuals in more than 120 countries. Gifts to ADRA will provide families with emergency aid in times of crisis or natural disaster and longer-term, sustainable assistance to people battling chronic hunger, homelessness, and other life-threatening challenges, so they can live as God intended.


Pioneer Spiritual Life Survey

This quick survey will give our church leadership team a better understanding of how to lead our church. All responses are anonymous and every precaution will be taken with the data.

The survey can be found here as well

