Galaxy Three: Why What Is Happening a Billion Light Years Away Right Now Matters to You

Galaxy Three: The Story of the Sperm


Dwight K. Nelson

Since 1983, Dwight Nelson has served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University. He preaches on the “New Perceptions” telecast, teaches at the theological seminary and has written some books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.


When the King left Galaxy One to infiltrate Galaxy Three, there were 270 days during which his whereabouts were unknown. Yet this mystery could hold the key to victory in the long war...
Saturday, September 27, 2014

More In This Series

The War approaches it's bloody end. The Rebel unleashes his full fury upon the inhabitants of Galaxy Three. The Loyalists cry out to their King for deliverance. How long must they endure? How long...?
The War rages on as the Rebel releases his latest weapon upon the inhabitants of Galaxy Three: a viral infection of "self" rule. Every man, woman and child is infected. What response can the King in Galaxy One bring to counter such a powerful deception?
The disease the Rebel unleashed on Galaxy Three must be not just contained, but completely cleansed from the Galaxy. However, the Council declares that three separate cleansings must be conducted. The universe wonders: Why?
The War rages on. The inhabitants of Galaxy Three groan under it's weight. How can such suffering go unchecked? The universe looks to the King for an answer...
The War has changed. No longer a battle for territory, the Rebel and the King both desire only one thing from the inhabitants of Galaxy Three – Allegiance
The King commands the battle for Earth from His throne in Galaxy One. His followers in Galaxy Three are instantly provided with aid an reinforcements the moment they ask. But can such a proxy war be won?
There is a disease in Galaxy Three that threatens the existence of humanity. It's effects are devastating and it carries a 100% fatality rate. But there exists a rare and costly cure...
An intergalactic civil war threatens the existence of the universe. The King of Galaxies battles the tyrannical Rebel who seeks the throne. Now the fate of all life will be decided at the battle for Galaxy Three.

“Galaxy Three: The Story of the Sperm”—1


  • The humanity of Jesus
  • Matthew 1:20—“. . . because what is   in her is from the Holy Spirit.’”
  • Romans 1:3—“. . . concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who was born of the seed [Greek: ] of David according to the flesh.”
  • John 1:14—“The Word became [i.e., the divine One became ].”


  • 4 stunning truths about the humanity of Jesus and us:
    • #1—We do know that we share the same with Him.
      • Hebrews 2:11
    • #2—We do know that we share the same with Him.
      • Hebrews 2:14-17
      • Peter O’Brien: “In the earlier reference [2:14] the focus was upon Jesus’ adoption of human nature; here [2:17] the stress is on his sharing in all the experiences of life. . . . on the identification of the incarnate Son with his brothers and sisters.” (The Letter to the Hebrews 119)
    • #3—We do know that we share the same with Him.
      • Hebrews 4:15
      • The Greek word, sumpatheo is a compound word: patheo (to suffer) + sum (with)—i.e., to suffer with, to .
      • Charles Spurgeon: “There is no pang that rends the heart or disturbs the body but that Jesus has been with us in it all. . . . There is no glen of adversity so dark, so deep, apparently so pathless, but that in stooping down you may discover the footprints of the Crucified One.” (Day by Day 269)
    • #4—We do know that we share the same  with Him.
      • Hebrews 4:15
      • Oswald Chambers: “Temptation is a suggested   to the realization of the highest at which I aim—not towards what I understand as evil, but towards what I understand as good.” (My Utmost for His Highest 261)
      • We share the same temptations with Jesus, with this major difference: “.” (Hebrews 4:15)
      • B. F. Wescott:“Sympathy with the sinner in his trial [temptation] does not depend on the experience of sin but on the experience of the strength of the temptation to sin which only the sinless can know in its full intensity. He who falls yields before the last strain.” (Quoted in F. F. Bruce, The Epistle to the Hebrews 116)
      • Hebrews 4:16
    • #5—We do know that we share the same with Him forever and ever. Amen.
      • Desire of Ages: “It was Satan’s purpose to bring about an eternal separation between God and man; but in Christ we become more closely united to God than if we had never fallen. In taking our nature, the Saviour has Himself to humanity by a tie that is never to be broken. . . . In Christ the family of earth and the family of heaven are bound together. Christ glorified is our brother. Heaven is enshrined in humanity, and humanity is enfolded in the bosom of Infinite Love.” (25, 26).




“Then let us fix our eyes on Jesus”


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Something in Common Sabbath School

Healing The Mind by Timothy R. Jennings, MD Have you ever been hurt, lonely, depressed, frightened and hopeless? Or maybe you have found yourself feeling helpless, that gut wrenching helplessness when someone you care about is hurting, distressed and on the verge of giving up and you don’t know how to help them. Did you wish you had something to give them, something that would help? Healing the Mind is six of Dr. Jennings' most important lectures, recorded live during a 2-day seminar. The material is based on his book, "Could It Be This Simple”. The Six lecture topics are: 

  • June 22- The Mind: God's Design. What Went Wrong? 
  • June 29- God's Principle: The Law of Love and Liberty 
  • July 6- The Fix for Failing Families 
  • July 13- Demolishing Satan's Strongholds 
  • July 20- Depression: The Brain-Body Connection 
  • July 27- Forgiveness: Seven Common Myths (+ Q&A) 

Everyone is Welcome Sabbath mornings from 10:30-11:30 in PMC room 141.
