Church Offices Closed  —  

Monday Feburary 17 for the Presidents Day holiday.


Lead a Grow Group

We are always looking for new people to bring awesome ideas and to facilitate our groups. If you have an idea for a GROW Group, please complete the following form:

Would you like us to use the group description you used last semester or create a new one?
Please enter a description for your GROW group that summarizes what someone participating will experience if they join your group.
Are you meeting online or in-person with social distancing?
What digital platform will you use for your meeting? (IE: Zoom, Facebook Group, etc.)
Please enter the maximum number of members your Grow Gruop can hold.
Each GROW group must have at least 1 leader/contact person.

Requirements & Responsibilities


1. Must be a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
2. Must be willing to attend group leader training
3. Must be committed to raising new leaders
4. Must comply with a background check and online child safety training module


1. Pray for group members every day
2. Facilitate group discussion once a week
3. Recommend at least one new leader from current group once a semester

I agree to the above requirements and responsibilities of being a Grow Group leader: