
Dwight K. Nelson

Since 1983, Dwight Nelson has served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University. He preaches on the “New Perceptions” telecast, teaches at the theological seminary and has written some books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.


Part 2 of a 4 Part Series
Saturday, April 06, 2013

More In This Series

The Secret of the Seed: Unleashing the Divine Potential in You”—2


□ One Verse

  • Ecclesiastes 11:1 NIV—“Ship your grain across the sea; after many days you may receive a return.”

□ Three Calls

  • #1—a call from God to international students
  • #2—a call from God to all
    •   “The home missionary work [work for Christ at home] will be farther advanced in every way when a more liberal, self-denying, self-sacrificing spirit is manifested for the prosperity of foreign missions [work for Christ across the sea]; for the prosperity of the home work depends largely, under God, upon the reflex influence of the evangelical work done in countries afar off.” (Christian Service 170)
    •   Sabbath School Missions: www.pmchurch.org (click on to “adventist giving”)
    •   Adventist Frontier Missions: www.afmonline.org
    •   REACH International: www.reach.org
    •   Quiet Hour: www.qhministries.org
    •   Student Missions: www.andrews.edu/cm/change/missions
  •   #3—a call from God to a select group

 Hudson Taylor:
“How are we going to treat the Lord Jesus Christ with reference to this command [Mark 16:15—‘Go to every creature’]? Shall we definitely drop the title Lord as applied to Him, and take the ground that we are quite willing to recognize Him as our Savior, so far as the penalty of sin is concerned, but are not prepared to own ourselves ‘bought with a price’ (1 Cor 6:20), or Him as having any claim to our unquestioning obedience? Shall we say that we are our own masters, willing to yield something as His due, who bought us with His blood, provided He does not ask too much ? Our lives, our loved ones, our possessions are our own, not His; we will give Him what we think fit, and obey any of His requirements that do not demand too great a sacrifice? To be taken to heaven by Jesus Christ we are more than willing, but we will not have this Man to reign over us [Luke 19:14]?

“The heart of every Christian will undoubtedly reject the proposition, so formulated ; but have not countless lives in each generation been lived as though it were proper ground to take? How few of the Lord's people have practically recognized the truth that Christ is either Lord of all, or is not Lord at all! If we can judge God's Word instead of being judged by that Word, if we can give to God as much or as little as we like, then we are lords and He is the indebted one, to be grateful for our dole and obliged by our compliance with His wishes. If, on the other hand, He is Lord, let us treat Him as such. `Why call ye Me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?’ (Luke 6:46).” (Spiritual Secret of Hudson Taylor 375-376)

 Will you go?

The Secret of the Seed:
The farther away the planting, the greater by far the reaping. 

(Flyer, TV, Google search, name of person who invited you, etc.)
Something in Common Sabbath School

Healing The Mind by Timothy R. Jennings, MD Have you ever been hurt, lonely, depressed, frightened and hopeless? Or maybe you have found yourself feeling helpless, that gut wrenching helplessness when someone you care about is hurting, distressed and on the verge of giving up and you don’t know how to help them. Did you wish you had something to give them, something that would help? Healing the Mind is six of Dr. Jennings' most important lectures, recorded live during a 2-day seminar. The material is based on his book, "Could It Be This Simple”. The Six lecture topics are: 

  • June 22- The Mind: God's Design. What Went Wrong? 
  • June 29- God's Principle: The Law of Love and Liberty 
  • July 6- The Fix for Failing Families 
  • July 13- Demolishing Satan's Strongholds 
  • July 20- Depression: The Brain-Body Connection 
  • July 27- Forgiveness: Seven Common Myths (+ Q&A) 

Everyone is Welcome Sabbath mornings from 10:30-11:30 in PMC room 141.
