
Dwight K. Nelson

Since 1983, Dwight Nelson has served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University. He preaches on the “New Perceptions” telecast, teaches at the theological seminary and has written some books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.


The second rumor engages the creation/evolution debate. Revelation predicts that there will be a generation that will refuse to take the hand of a skeleton and will take the hand of the Creator.
Saturday, October 21, 2006

More In This Series

Rumors from the East, the finale of the great cosmic war that plays out in every heart. The increasing intensification of the battle is reason enough to ally with Michael. Whenever He shows up in Scripture, guess who wins!
The first rumor from the east heralds good news for earth's darkest hour. While the Sonrise it anticipates lies dead ahead, can we afford to wait for it?
If you want to define God's glory, you must look into His face which He revealed in a Story. The glory of God is in the Story . . . and the story. It's the law of mirrors.
Does Islam, with its 1.4 billion adherents, have a place in Bible prophecy? Might God have used Mohammed and his Muslim followers to protect and advance the development of his kingdom? And could He possibly be doing so still today?
Clues for the second rumor from the east: winds, seal, forehead, name, time, U.S.A. Today. The perfect rumor for a rest-less society.
The third and final rumor from the east has a rich legacy in biblical history and prophecy. It's the scariest rumor of them all, but also the best, striking panic in the hearts of some, hope in the hearts of others.
Coming: "A time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation" (Daniel 12:1). Very popular literal interpretations of Bible prophecy are setting up millions for an unexpected, satanic ambush. Which could have enormous implications for everything from setting national policy to making personal decisions.
The sinister "King of the North" (a metaphor Daniel uses to describe a succession of earth powers that oppress God's people) makes an all-out, final attack precipitated by rumors from the east. Not a study for the faint hearted, unless you want to know what's coming and how to be prepared.
(Flyer, TV, Google search, name of person who invited you, etc.)
House of Prayer

Revelation 13 – How to Pray for America NOW – Led by Pastor Dwight Nelson. Please join us for House of Prayer meetings each Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM in the Earliteen Loft here at Pioneer. We are excited about a new study series lead by our own Pastor Dwight Nelson that will begin on September 4. Please invite a friend and join us for spiritual shot in the arm in the middle of each week as we sing, share, study, and pray together.

Change in Neighbor to Neighbor Donation Policies

We would like our community to know that effective Sunday, September 1, 2024, Neighbor To Neighbor will only take donations Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Being found on the premises after hours will not be allowed and will be considered trespassing. Thank you for your understanding.

Something in Common Sabbath School

Something In Common Sabbath School presents Don’t Give Up by Kyle Idleman

When you are hanging by a thread, losing faith and short on strength, what you need is real encouragement—a battle cry, a call to action, marching orders to push back the darkness. Stand up straight. Face your fears and enemies. And remember that you are not alone.

Join us weekly from August 24-September 21, Sabbath Mornings at 10:30-11:30, in PMC room 141.

Pioneer Memorial Church Announces New Associate Pastor

Pioneer Memorial Church is delighted to announce the selection of Jacob Gibbs as a new Associate Pastor. Pastor Jacob was introduced to Pioneer on July 27, 2024, although his official start date was July 18, 2024. Pastor Jacob will serve as Associate Pastor at Pioneer Memorial Church and an Associate Chaplain with the Center for Faith Engagement at Andrews University.

Pastor Jacob Gibbs felt a call to ministry when he accepted Jesus as his Savior in 2002. Over the next nine years, he pursued his purpose and training at Mission College of Evangelism and Andrews University—gaining experience as a Bible Worker and Literature Evangelist. Pastor Jacob graduated from Andrews University in 2011 with a Bachelor's in Art and Theology. He later returned for his Master's Degree in Pastoral Ministry.

During his undergraduate years, he met his wife, Emily Knott, and they were married in 2012. Pastor Jacob has served in the Michigan Conference for 13 years, starting with a three-church district in the central part of Michigan's Upper Peninsula and most recently as the Senior Pastor of the Cedar Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church at Great Lakes Adventist Academy. Pastor Jacob's passions in ministry include hobby-based outreach, small groups, applied arts, and personal Bible studies. Pastor Jacob and Emily have two daughters, Eva and Avianne. They look forward to starting this new chapter of their lives by serving the communities of Andrews University and the Pioneer Memorial Church.
