
Dwight K. Nelson

Since 1983, Dwight Nelson has served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University. He preaches on the “New Perceptions” telecast, teaches at the theological seminary and has written some books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.


"The wrath of God" has instilled fear or been written off by the majority. A clearer sermon on God's wrath you could not hope to hear. (Romans 1:18-32)
Saturday, October 02, 2004

More In This Series

Amos predicts global starvation for more than physical food. Do you hunger and thirst for the right thing? Because if you do, you'll get it. (Whetting the appetite for a study of Romans.)
"We might think of ourselves as converted slaves. . . ." (Henri Nouwen). Three characteristics of a converted slave of Jesus Christ. (Romans 1:1-7)
Righteousness: the R-word of "spiritual magnificence." How did a struggle over the meaning of this word turn Christianity upside down? Has it done so to you yet? (Romans 1:16-17)
An age-old religious practice comes back to stare us square in the face, reminding us that Seventh-day Adventists face the same danger as did the Jews of old. (Romans 2:17;-3:8)
How would you explain the gospel? Three scriptural axioms that once you hear, you will never forget. Perhaps the clearest explanation of the gospel you will ever hear. (Romans 3:9-28)
On the eve of the divisive 2004 presidential election, Pastor Dwight reflects on God's relationship, and our responsibility, to government and national leadership. (Romans 13:1-7)
A world of six billion people, less than half of which are Christian. What will happen to the non-Christian majority? How will God judge pagans? Examine the scriptural evidence, if you dare! (Romans 2:12-16)
Universalism: the mistaken teaching that all will be saved. But the Bible does teach its own brand of "universalism". Biblical "universalism" and the final judgment; what could they possibly have in common? (Romans 3:23-24)
It's the shortest Christmas story in the world. An ugly story. A beautiful story. Long on good news. (Christmas homily on Romans 1:3)
"I find no fault in Him." Pilate said it of Jesus. Oh, that God could say such a thing of us! But then we know ourselves all too well, don't we? Which is why we must discover the true and full meaning of "justification!"
A message that both challenges a core, unspoken tradition of many Seventh-day Adventists and confronts us with the profound and practical question, "Is anything too hard for God?"
When a weak, ungodly sinner and enemy of God is swept over the Niagara Falls of the New Testament it's not just good news, it's better than good. "Eternity itself can never fully reveal it." Yet we must never cease our pursuit to understand it.
Because of one, we are born lost and rebellious. Because of the other, we are born found and redeemed. Bill Gates illustrates the point. The "everlasting gospel" keeps getting better the more it's understood!
Social theory research has discovered that personal losses hurt more than personal gains satisfy. Discover the fascinating insight this provides into the "everlasting gospel,""If one died for all, then all died."
Easter. Baptism. Is there a connection? Remarkably so! Death and resurrection to walk in newness of life. Do you remember yours? Here's why it's important to remember. (Romans 6:1-10)
Sanctification. Ho hum? Anything but! The key is getting the DONE and DO in the right order, and accepting the amazing anomaly of the gospel. Because you can't be truly free until . . . . (Romans 6:5-22)
Once upon a time there was an apostle who struggled, really struggled, with sin and was honest enough to talk about it. And because he was, there is hope, real hope, for the rest of us. (Romans 7:7-25)
Are you prepared to suffer? Why would anyone long, as Paul did, to "fellowship with Christ in His sufferings?" The best news about suffering you may ever hear! (Romans 8)
Are you aware that "the chosen people" and "the remnant" are not necessarily the same people? Who indeed are the remnant? And what role do the remnant play in God's final evangelization of the world, seeing as God has already committed Himself to cut His work short in righteousness? (Romans 9)
Israel rejects Jesus, the gospel goes to the Gentiles and the church is born. So, does Israel still have a role in God's plan to save the world? And where does the SDA church fit in? A stimulating study that could change your mind, and your heart.
"Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?" Is this Robert Browning statement mere philosophy or good religion? Is it wrong for a Christian to have bold ambitions? Is it wrong not to? Could this be what the metaphorical "Spain" is all about?
The memory of being enslaved is deeply embedded in the psyche of any community that has once been enslaved. As is any accompanying exodus or emancipation. Ask any Jew or African American. Or any Christian? Consider the six steps anyone must take from spiritual enslavement to spiritual emancipation.
(Flyer, TV, Google search, name of person who invited you, etc.)
Offering for September 14, 2024

World Budget: Radio Ministries

If you’ve been feeling like the radio is antiquated and you are the only one who still listens to it, think again! Radio is actually alive and doing well. It turns out, more than 3 billion people in this planet tune in every week to listen to the radio!4 The Adventist Church supports radio ministries so that our Advent message will enter even the most remote areas of our world.

Revelation 14:15 says, “And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud, ‘Thrust in Your sickle and reap, for the time has come for You to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe’.”

Through radio ministries the Adventist Church is reaching every country on this planet and making sure that the earth is ripe for the harvest. We invite you today to partner with God and be part of the final harvest.

North American Division Stewardship Ministries

"Now, As We Set Forth"

Appearing in the Advent Review... in September, 1874, was a brief letter from John Nevins Andrews. One of its sentences stands out. This sentence, starting "And now, as we set forth, we commit ourselves...", has become dubbed the "J.N. Andrews Benediction", and it finds frequent use at the close of major events on the Andrews University campus.

On Sept. 21 at 5:15 p.m., we will explore this sentence divided into seven parts, each with verbal commentary, congregational singing, and an organ solo. The final words, "...in this sacred work", will receive particular emphasis including an organ solo with deep campus roots, Charles Gounod's Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy). Kenneth Logan, organ and Jonathan Burt, word will lead this sesquicentennial remembrance.


Belong Ministries is off to a great start! We have 66 students (and counting!) seeking to be paired with a church family. Join us in bridging the gap by forging a lasting connection with a student today! This is time well-worth investing. To sign up, text the word "BELONG" to 269-281-2345.


DivorceCare and DivorceCare for Kids(DC4K ages 5 to12)will be meeting from 9/18 to 12/18 in the 6th and 5th grade SS rooms from 6 to 8 PM each Weds evening.  We aim to provide a supportive environment for healing and growth for those dealing with the trauma and heartache that separation and divorce can bring for both children and adults. We are also looking for individuals interested in helping to lead our in DC4K. Text or call William Helbley @ 269-849-5432 if interested or register on divorcecare.com by searching for zip code 49103.

Seeking Pre-Kindergarten Lead Teacher

The Crayon Box is looking for a qualified Pre-Kindergarten Teacher to prepare children ages 4-5 for kindergarten. The Pre-K teacher must have a great love and patience for children. Qualifications needed to teach them effectively include knowledge of best practices and Pre-Kindergarten educational methods as well as the ability to engage them and earn their trust and attention. The goal is to contribute to the healthy mental and emotional development of the child so they can thrive in their next level of education and have a lifelong love of learning.  Must meet LARA requirements for lead caregiver.

Work Hours: 8:00-11:30 / 12:30-5:00 M-Th & 8:00 - 11:30 / 12:30-3:00 F

House of Prayer Revelation 13 - How to pray for America NOW - Led by Pastor Dwight Nelson

Please join us for House of Prayer meetings each Wednesday evenings at 7 PM in the Earliteen Loft here at Pioneer.  We are excited about a new study series lead by our own Pastor Dwight Nelson that will begin on Sept 4th.

Please invite a friend and join us for spiritual shot in the arm in the middle of each week as we sing, share, study, and pray together.

10-week Best Weigh Nutrition and Weight Loss Program

Our physical health impacts spiritual health:  both are vitally important, and maintaining a healthy weight promotes both. That is why we are offering our 10-week Best Weigh Nutrition and Weight Loss Program starting September 16, this time Monday evenings in the Pioneer commons. Do not let diabetes and high blood pressure sneak up on you! Sign up and invite a friend. Text "HEALTH" to 269-281-2345 right away!

AdventistGiving Online (AGO) Contributors

Your faithfulness is greatly appreciated. To ensure that your donations are properly credited to your account, when contributing through AdventistGiving, please log in under your name, instead of contributing as a "Guest."

House of Prayer

Revelation 13 – How to Pray for America NOW – Led by Pastor Dwight Nelson. Please join us for House of Prayer meetings each Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM in the Earliteen Loft here at Pioneer. We are excited about a new study series lead by our own Pastor Dwight Nelson that will begin on September 4. Please invite a friend and join us for spiritual shot in the arm in the middle of each week as we sing, share, study, and pray together.

Women's Fall Kickoff Brunch

September 15 •  9:00 AM

Pioneer Commons

Pioneer Women’s Ministry invites women of all ages to our annual Fall Kickoff Brunch. Let’s welcome fall with friends and good food. Space is limited, text “WOMEN” to 269.281.2345 to register.
