Church Offices Closed  —  

Monday Feburary 17 for the Presidents Day holiday.


John Glass

Pastoral Care


Pastor John joined the Pioneer team in 2018. He came to us from central Oregon, where he had been serving as Interim Pastor of two churches for the prior two years. His pastoral experience stretches over 50+ years from Virginia to Oregon.

John is married to his first wife Teresa, who is from Battle Creek, Michigan. They have been married over 50 years and are the parents of two married daughters who have blessed them with three grandchildren.

John enjoys fitness pursuits such as running, cycling and working out. He has been a motorcyclist, sailor, hiker, camper, skier but most enjoys knowing God and His people. John's greatest desire is to assist people in coming to know how wonderful the true God of
Scripture is. He has a passion for people who are in need of personal attention such as the home-bound, elderly, and hospital patients. He calls it "a privilege and an honor" to work at Pioneer. 

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